Potto Suite

Potto Key Product

Potto brings to you a lot of awesome solution which quickly optimizes the productivity of teachers and students in your school

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Student Safety Management

Key Function

Monitor, track, and alerts parents and school on student movement

Send panic alerts to all parents in case of any distress

Eliminates impersonation or child theft through proper guardian validation

Quick response to threats in cases of emergency


Gate PassStudents TrackingBus attendanceClassroom attendanceDynamic attendanceVisitor managementAndroid and iOSInstant messagingPanic alert Systempanic responders

Potto Auxiliary Services

Potto brings to you a lot of awesome solution which quickly optimizes the productivity of teachers and students in your school

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Potto Assess

Result Management System

Instant result processing and generation

Teacher privilege setting to avoid buddy inputting

Online access by student to check results

Friendly mobile app for easy access to child’s records

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Potto Pay

Electronic Payment and Fee Collection System

Collection of all type of fees for school

Payment history generation and financial status report

Creation of different type of fees and Automatic receipt generation

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Potto Pocket

Students Pocket Money Management

Seamless payment of fees

Student budget allocation

Expenses tracking of child’s spending

Easy and cashless purchases in school

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Potto Store

Mini Ecommerce System

Sales of admission forms and other school materials

Proper inventory management

Seamless account reconciliation

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Potto Admin

School Database Management System

Student and Staff Data processing

Communication Management using SMS and Emails

Dynamic School Configuration

Full customization to suit your look and feel

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Potto Comm

Sends, tracks in real-time, and stores predefined and customized bulk sms to parents and teachers at just a click of the button